Elevate Coweta Students

What We Do

ELEVATE Coweta Students was created with a simple purpose: To elevate our students to success in school, in our community and in life.

This effort begins with Site Coordinators who serve as advocates for our students. Site Coordinators focus on attendance, behavior, and course work. They also help identify students in need of assistance and connect those students—and family members—to community resources that can help remove obstacles to student success. The 2014-15 school year began with a single coordinator at East Coweta High School. We currently have a total of seven Site Coordinators in five schools. With your help, more Site Coordinators will be added to the program, expanding our outreach and offering services to more students.

Elevating Students To Succeed

How We Do It

Student needs can go far beyond the classroom. ELEVATE Coweta Students assistance includes:

Basic Needs

Poverty prevents many students from reaching their full potential in many aspects of life. ELEVATE Coweta Students alleviates some of these issues for students and their families by providing help with food, short term housing, clothes, school supplies, etc.

Mental Health

Many students struggle with forms of anxiety and depression. Our site coordinators act as a back up to school counselors when the need arises. We offer a safe place for students to come where they can talk and truly be listened to by a caring adult. We give them a place to decompress when they get overwhelmed and cannot concentrate in their regular classroom.

Attendance, Behavior, Course Performance

We strive to give students a secondary, non traditional space to concentrate on school work and to receive one on one help when needed. When students are allowed to come and get the help that they need catching up on their school work in this setting, we see an overall increase in our students attendance, better behavior and better grades throughout the school year.

Life Skills

During the school year, Site Coordinators work with students on different life skills such as: Good manners, How to speak to each other and to people in authority, how to dress for success, how to write a resume, interview skills, etc. We want our students to be successful not only in school, but also in the surrounding community.

College & Career Readiness

ELEVATE Coweta Students will work to connect students in school and out of school with out-of-school enrichment programs, career training and college prep activities. Our “Coweta Careers” program offers students the opportunity to visit local companies to learn about employment opportunities and expose them to various career paths.

Working Together

A Single Objective

Our objective is clear. The 2023 graduation rate in Coweta County was 91.7%. However, only 61.8% of graduates are college and career ready. ELEVATE Coweta Students’ goal is to improve that graduation rate, giving even more students a chance to achieve success in a well-paying job or by continuing their education in trade school or technical college.

Goals We Can

Measure & Meet

By hiring Denise Buchanan to work at East Coweta High School, we achieved our first goal: placing a Site Coordinator in a local high school to help at-risk students with their academic and non-academic needs. We currently have a total of seven Site Coordinators.

We Are Now Working To Achieve Our Next Two Goals:

  1. Increasing Mentors for At-Risk Students
  2. Providing programs targeted to the needs of the students we serve

Our Model

Clear Guidance

The ELEVATE Coweta Students Model reflects the evidence-based Task Centered Practice, a case management model that has been time-tested and proven effective for more than 40 years.

Our Process

3 Levels Of Support

Our Site Coordinators work inside schools to apply our process at three levels:

  1. One-on-One Support
  2. Group Support
  3. School-Wide Support

You already know the value of a good education. Together, we can pass that knowledge along to others, and in the process, change lives forever.